written, directed and designed by Tara Beagan – Ntlaka’pamux and Irish “Canadian” and Andy Moro – Omushkego Cree / Mixed Euro
WARNING: language and content contains graphic historical and sexual violence
PJ Prudat – Cree/Saulteaux Métis and French/Scandinavian of Saskatchewan
Jonathan Fisher – Pottawattami, Mukwa Dodem, Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve
Brandon Oakes – Ratsienhonoron, Mohawk from Akwesasne
and John Ng (Ottawa via Hong Kong)
Elder research collaborator Paul Chaput – Métis
choreography collaborator Lina Cruz – Montréal via Bogotá
fight choreographer Casey Hudecki, 2007 winner of the FDC Paddy Crean Award.
composition by Melody McKiver – Anishinaabe
Created and produced by A11 founding artists Tara Beagan and Andy Moro, Reckoning is an ode to the irreconcilable.
A triptych in sound, movement, video and text, Reckoning is an incendiary theatrical presentation of three separate experiences with Indian Residential Schools, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the fallout that has already reverberated across the country.
WHEN: April 13 to 24, 2016. Show dates and times to follow