Meet Paul Chaput. He is a lauded recording artist, an accomplished actor and filmmaker, and recently earned his PhD at Queen’s University. At seventy years of age, Métis marvel Paul just keeps getting busier and brighter. Paul worked with core ARTICLE 11 artists Moro and Beagan as an actor before they founded A11. He starred on screen in the multi-media project Foundlings, a piece addressing gaps in families, the resulting deracination and some questionable modern day solutions. Paul’s gifts as an empath and a scholar have been invaluable to the creation of Reckoning. His insights, after working as the Aboriginal consultant for the creation and the delivery of the curriculum to train 37 adjudicators (former judges and lawyers) for the Indian Residential Schools Resolutions Canada’s Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) process, are unique and profound.
We are grateful to have him with us.
We are grateful, also, to Canadian Stage who have sponsored Paul’s presence leading up to opening night of Reckoning. We thank Sherrie Johnson for initiating this support.
Paul will be with us and the Teens in Residence (a collab of Mammalian Diving Reflex and the Theatre Centre) at the Saturday April 16th 2:30 showing of Reckoning.