Santee Smith in the original iteration of DECLARATION, 2013
#Canada150 when will you end?
seriously, so many invitations to partake in your events.
so many brilliant colleagues roped into feeling complicit with these weird parties.
we’re in edinburgh now, proud to be the noted voice of dissent at Selfconscious’s canada hub. we’re doing a DECLARATION. friend and fellow fiesty rabble-rouser michael rubenfeld contacted us about an available slot for Indigenous content, and we quickly suggested a handful of wonderful, relatively affordable shows colleagues have made. rubenfeld listened patiently (he’s good at listening and asking questions) and then asked us “what about you guys? i was thinking you could come and for the month and just do whatever you want.”
we blinked and fluttered. we accepted. we planned. we gathered beautiful collaborators. we are blessed. and now we are here.
we’ll be welcoming santee smith, lee maracle, semiah kaha:wi smith and artists based in the UK such as abdul and shane from Fio as well as visiting artists of Hot Brown Honey!
hope to see you in august.